About PC v14:
Pathway Commons integrates a number of pathway and molecular interaction databases supporting BioPAX and PSI-MI formats into one large BioPAX model, which can be queried using our web API (documented below). This API can be used by computational biologists to download custom subsets of pathway data for analysis, or can be used to incorporate powerful biological pathway and network information retrieval and query functionality into websites and software. For computational biologists looking for comprehensive biological pathway data, we also make available data archives in several formats. Try not to exceed ten concurrent connections, several hits per second, from one IP address to avoid being banned. We can add capacity based on demand. For more information and help, please visit our homepage at www.pathwaycommons.org. Feel free to tell us more about yourself and your project.
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Some Examples
Links below use the API v1 (deprecated) and HTTP GET (query parameters are URL-encoded)
- Find something by keyword:"FGFR2"
- Find pathways by keyword:"CALCRL"
- Find protein references by xref id
- Pagination: find everything, the second result page
- Find Control interactions that contain "binding" but not "transcription" word
- Find the interactions which pathway contains a keyword:"immune*" ('*' means any ending)
- Find all Reactome or PID pathways
- Get a ProteinReference (Q06609) by absolute URI and convert to JSON-LD format
- Find, fetch by bio identifier (FGFR2) and convert to GSEA format (it first performs a full-text search 'xrefid:FGFR2' to find bioentity URIs, then extracts the sub-model and converts to GSEA GMT format
- Get 'Signaling by BMP' Pathway (format: BioPAX; see also: R-HSA-201451)
- Nearest neighborhood of the protein reference bioregistry.io/uniprot:P20908 (COL5A1), all reactions where the corresponding protein forms/states take part, converted to SIF format
- Nearest neighborhood query using the gene symbol COL5A1 (P20908) instead of absolute URI (performs full-text search and id-mapping internally; such query potentially returns a larger sub-network as it might start from more matching entities rather than from one ProteinReference; One can mix URIs along with UniProt, NCBI Gene, ChEBI IDs in a single graph or get/fetch query; other identifiers might also work; see: about URIs and IDs)
- Traverse to find the display name of the organism of the ProteinReference specified by the URI
- Traverse to find the URI of the organism for each of the Protein References
- Traverse to list the names of all states of RAD51 protein (by its ProteinReference URI, using property path="ProteinReference/entityReferenceOf:Protein/name")
- Traverse to list the URIs of states of BRCA1_HUMAN
- Traverse to list the names of several different objects (using abstract type 'Named' from Paxtools API)
- Find the top-level pathways related to 'TP53'
- Find the top pathways from Reactome, matching 'insulin'; request JSON format
Parameter Values
About URIs or IDs
Query parameters: source, uri, target accept an array of URIs of the BioPAX elements,
which look like bioregistry.io/<prefix>:<identifier>
(reference bio entities and vocabularies) or pc14:<unique_id>
(bio processes and participants). BioPAX URIs are not to guess; instead, they should be discovered with
or /top_pathways
queries. However, IDs from the following gene/protein or
small molecule collections are also acceptable in place of URIs in the fetch and graph queries:
- HUGO Gene Symbol
- NCBI Gene ID
- Uniprot AC
- RefSeq
- Ensembl
- KEGG Compound
- DrugBank
- PharmGKB Drug
- PubChem Compound/Substance (must prefix with CID: or SID:, respectively, to distinguish from each other and Gene ID)
We integrated multiple data sources and consistently normalized Xref, EntityReference, Provenance, BioSource, and ControlledVocabulary objects. We did not merge physical entities (states) and processes from different sources automatically, as accurately matching and aligning pathways at that level is still an open research problem.
About Enumerations
Note that enumeration parameter values, such as those for Type, Format, Direction, Limit, Pattern, are case-insensitive and can also use e.g. "interacts-with" instead of "INTERACTS_WITH" (both '-' and '_' are acceptable), "jsonld" instead "JSONLD", "neighborhood" instead of "NEIGHBORHOOD", etc.
We intend to integrate pathway data only for the following species:
Homo sapiens (9606)
Additional organisms may be pulled in due to interactions with entities
from any of the above organisms, but are not otherwise supported.
This means that we don’t comprehensively collect information for
unsupported organisms and we have not cleaned or converted
such data due to the high risk of introducing errors and artifacts.
All BioSource objects can be found by using a /search
with parameters: {"q":"*", "type":"biosource"}.
Output Format ('format'):
For detailed descriptions of these formats, see output format description.
Graph Type ('kind'):
Graph Limit Types ('limitType'):
Graph Directions ('direction'):
BioPAX Properties and Restrictions:
Listed below are BioPAX properties' summary as defined in the Paxtools model: domain, property name, range and restrictions (if any). For example, XReferrable xref Xref D:ControlledVocabulary=UnificationXref D:Provenance=UnificationXref,PublicationXref means that values of ControlledVocabulary.xref can only be of UnificationXref type.
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Inverse BioPAX Object Properties:
Thanks to Paxtools, some of the BioPAX object properties can be traversed in the inverse direction, e.g, 'xref' - 'xrefOf'. Unlike for the standard xref property, e.g., the restriction XReferrable xref Xref D:ControlledVocabulary=UnificationXref D:Provenance=UnificationXref,PublicationXref below must be read right-to-left as it is actually about Xref.xrefOf: RelationshipXref.xrefOf cannot contain neither ControlledVocabulary (any sub-class) nor Provenance objects (in other words, vocabularies and provenance may not have any relationship xrefs).
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